Booking your event
If you’re thinking about booking us for your event, all you need to do is send us an email. We’ll get in touch and talk about when and where you are planning your event, and what the cost would be. We can also answer any questions you might have. If we’re able to be there and you’re happy to book us, we’ll send you a short booking form in which you can tell us a bit more about the sort of event you’re arranging. That will help us when we come to plan the music and dances for the occasion.
What we bring
We normally play as four musicians, and a caller who explains everything so that even people who reckon they aren’t dancers can join in. We sometimes have a guest caller if our regular caller John is not available, but all our callers are good at keeping a good friendly atmosphere going, and getting people joining in without feeling threatened!
We provide our own good quality PA system, which runs off an ordinary square-pin plug socket. It has plenty of power to fill a good sized hall without distortion, but it won’t drown out conversations or cause problems with noise monitors.
Sleeping Moggy, as a band, is a member of the English Folk Dance and Song Society, and this membership confers public liability insurance cover.
What we’ll need
- A decent sized space to work in, with access to carry our equipment and instruments, and space to put things down – we do bring quite a few instruments!
- If the event is in a marquee, a stable dry floor to work on.
- Enough light to see the instruments and play them!
- A table strong enough to put the PA system on, and stable surface for our speaker stands.
- And of course a plug socket to drive the whole set!
If you’re holding a particularly small event and don’t want PA that’s OK too. Liz also plays acoustic celtic harp, so we can all play acoustically. If need be we can also provide a small powered speaker for the caller for such an occasion.